Release Notes 24.05

Key Enhancements

Ease of Access for 'My Records'

All your data is easily accessible in the “My Records” section of the Record Register. For a comprehensive view, click on “All Records.” The default view is set to “My Records” for your convenience. This feature applies to Asset Management, Document Management, Record Management, and Supplier Management.

Complete Folder Upload in Records Register

To effortlessly organize your records, click the “+” icon on any folder in the Record Register. Select “Upload Folder,” choose the folder containing your files and subfolders, and hit “Submit.” All your files will be neatly added to your records.

File Link Now Available for Legal and Other requirements module

This feature is now available for creating, drafting, and editing registrations. We believe this will greatly enhance the user experience and provide more efficient management of legal and other requirements.

Retrieve MS Office Documents

Microsoft Office files will now be directly downloaded when you click on the icon, without the need for preview. Please note that PDF files will still be available for preview. For security purposes, MS Office files will not open in third-party popup windows for preview. Please be advised that this feature does not apply to Risk Management, Organization Chart, and Legal and Other Requirement Management.

Undo Record Deletion

The addition of an ‘Undo’ button when right-clicking on any strikethrough or deleted records. This function allows you to easily update these records by first undoing the deletion. Please note that this feature does not apply to Risk management, Organisation chart, Training management, Legal, and other requirement management.

Support for Multiple Managers for Legal and Other Requirements module

Multiple managers for Legal and other requirements management is a new feature will greatly improve efficiency and streamline the management process for all users.
